Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Bryant Scott


Fresh 48 | In home lifestyle Newborn photo | Salem, Oregon Photographer |

Fresh 48 | In home lifestyle Newborn photo | Salem, Oregon Photographer |


I’m so excited to share this beautiful in home Fresh 48 session! Oh my goodness, sweet Bryant was an absolute DREAM to photograph! He was soo sleepy and relaxed throughout the session- but I also captured some first portraits of him with his eyes wide open! (For more photos and video clips from his Fresh 48 session, catch the video at the end of this blog post!)

One of my favorite parts of Bryant’s Fresh 48 story was his furry big sister, Annie! I’ve never seen a dog so loving and protective! Annie followed us around during the session and was never far from Bryant’s side. I especially love one of the video clips of her giving him kisses!

Fresh 48 | In home lifestyle Newborn photo | Salem, Oregon Photographer |

Fresh 48 | In home lifestyle Newborn photo | Salem, Oregon Photographer |

I LOVED getting to meet and work with this amazing family. Tap the video below to view more from Bryant’s Fresh 48 session!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Kinsley Grace

I’m so happy I get to share this Fresh 48 session today. We are going on week 1.4 million of quarantine and having the opportunity to post something as uplifting as this is such a joy!


I LOVED everything about how Lea (Mama) planned her Fresh 48 session. It was so unique to their family and really focused around big brother feeling included and knowing how important his new role is! EVERY Fresh 48 photo session I do is soo different. Sometimes I walk into a hospital room and Mama says with a sleepy smile “I had every intention of getting ready- but it just didn’t happen, so I’m just going to keep it real.” Then there are the Mom’s that open their front door and I can just feel how raw and fresh everything still is; and we take the session at a gentle, slow pace. There are also the Moms that have every detail planned down to a “T” with the floral matching robe/swaddler etc.

I’ll let you in on a little secret though..

No matter what “style” of Fresh 48 session you have.. The love is there, and it’s going to shine through your photos. The first few days following meeting your little love for the first time are an adjustment period, and there isn’t a “correct” way to do it. This is one of my favorite things about doing Fresh 48 photography~ NO ONE has the same journey, the same story, the same feelings.. But every Mother I have worked with has touched my heart in some way; getting to photograph how they are navigating motherhood is such an honor.

OKAY! Back to this sweet little angel girl!!


When Lea and I discussed her hopes for their Fresh 48, it was totally centered around their little family and especially making sure big brother Carter felt included and knew how awesome his new role was going to be! Lea told me about how she takes Carter on “Mommy dates” and how special that time is for them. She had the super cute idea to actually create a “Mommy date” while he came to meet his little sister! I absolutely LOVED that idea. It can be so difficult for kiddos to adjust to having a new baby in the house- the more we can prepare them helps the whole family in the long run!


Carter was SOOOOOO excited to meet Kinsley and truly had an immediate bond and sense of protection over her. It was PRECIOUS to witness and capture! (I can’t wait to share their Fresh 48 video slideshow below so you can see what I’m talking about!) I keep in contact with Mama, and she says he is still totally in love with her and even calls her and Lea his “beautiful beauties.” ((Dad Jeremy has trained him well! :)) NOW, without further story time from me- here is Kinsley’s Fresh 48 story!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Landry Jo

I had the honor of spending a little bit of time Christmas Eve morning for this beautiful family’s Fresh 48 session at Salem Hospital. It was so fun getting to see the girls excitement for both meeting their new sister AND getting to tell her who would be visiting them that night! Santa brought this family the best gift~ getting to take their new addition home <3

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Fresh 48 video | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Fresh 48 video | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

While these hospital newborn photos give you all the feels- you HAVE to check out the Fresh 48 slideshow below including video clips from the very first moments they were together as a family of 6.

Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer | Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer | Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

Welcome to the World, sweet Landry!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Piper Grace

I have a huge love for in-home Fresh 48 sessions! This one was especially meaningful since this gorgeous babe was born AT HOME just outside of Salem <3 She was the fourth girl added to their sweet family, and as you’ll see in their video, these little dolls were SOO excited to have another little sister!

Salem, Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer | In home lifestyle Fresh 48 session |

Salem, Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer | In home lifestyle Fresh 48 session |

Having video clips added to these Fresh 48 slideshow’s is something I adore giving to my clients!! I imagine they will be even more meaningful to each family as the years go by. When you watch this video, I hope that it takes you back to that precious time with your own children! I think we can all agree that the newborn stage goes by much too quickly :) (ALTHOUGH- I DO love getting a little more sleep these days having older kiddos ;)) A huge thank you to this family for letting me share a little glimpse into their lives <3

Here is the Fresh 48 story of Piper Grace: