Salem, Oregon Photographer: Senior Photos | SAVANNAH

HEY YA'LL!  I know it's been probably 1.2 million years since I last blogged, but work & life has kept me busy ;)  I *had* to jump on here and share one of my last senior photo sessions because a.) I LOVED working with this gal and she absolutely inspires me b.) The session was total location inspo because it was gorgeous!  

Salem, Oregon Photographer | | College Senior Photo Session | Oregon Garden | Senior posing inspiration | Editorial inspired photography session | Salem, Oregon Senior Photographer | Beautiful Posing | Outfit Inspiration for senior photo session | Salem, Oregon photographer locations

She is absolute model material, right??  I'll tell you- this girl is a gem.  She first contacted me because she was interested in college senior photos.  She is graduating from WOU and heading to med school- I didn't even know her yet but I was already proud of her!!  The main reason she wanted to get these photos done because she wanted to honor her parents and how big of a role they have played in her life and her achievements.  As a Mother myself, I instantly got choked up hearing her talk about how grateful she is to them for their constant love and support over the years.  AND WHEN I SAW HER DECORATED CAP :')


Like, seriously?  I was so touched because as a parent because this is all we really want, right?  To know with absolute certainty that we have given our children ALL the tools they need to achieve their dreams.  She told me that even if it was 2:00am she could have called them and they would have listened to her, encouraged her, and reminded her to keep giving it her all.  She talked so highly of them and with such love- it was so inspiring!  Inspiring to me as a parent, to remind ME to keep giving my own children that unconditional support- but also as a reminder to tell the people we love how much their support means to us.

I'll leave you with this last set of photos for reference of how gorg her session was :)  If you're a photographer in the Salem/Portland area, I highly recommend the Oregon Garden as a session location!  There were so many gorgeous backdrop options- it is worth the drive!

CONGRATULATIONS to this beautiful soul!  It was an honor to work with her, and I cannot wait to see what she does with this next life chapter! <3

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Birth Photography | Oliver

This is Oliver's birth story

I met with Mama twice before her birth, and we chatted about her hopes and wishes for her delivery. She told me she wanted to try birthing naturally. And she did it. She embraced the waves of contractions, and found this beautiful strength within her. When her sweet boy arrived, he cried for a moment, and instantly calmed on her chest. He was peaceful, alert, and I don't think there was a dry eye in the room.


There is so much I want to say about this birth.  I want to tell you about how calm, and peaceful this beautiful, laboring Mama was.  I want to tell you about how I witnessed a woman working with her body to bring her baby into the World.  She chose not to use any type of pain relief.  (No epidural, or anything else)  Her husband was by her side the whole time, and at one point, he said something to the effect of "she's got this."  Tianna's birthing space was full of support, full of LOVE, and I think she could feel that we ALL believed in her, and knew how powerful she was in this moment.  You'll notice in the video that her smile radiates between her contractions, and into transition.  I want to tell you about how she made the decision to cut her own umbilical cord, like the incredible, fierce Mama that she is.  I want you to see how she embraced the waves of contractions, and trusted the power of her body.  Most of all, I want to tell you what an honor it was to be in the room with her, and to witness such strength.  Her strength is an inspiration to me, and to all the women that come after her.  This is the birth of Oliver Warren Scott Carroll.

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 | Braxton

OH the sweetness.  I did this Fresh 48 Session right after this Birth, and I'm so happy I could be there to capture these first moments!  I'll take you through some of my favorites <3  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

One super special thing about Fresh 48 photography, is that you are able to photograph family members meeting the sweet new addition!  In this case, little man had his two big sisters come meet him!  Along with his Grandparents & Aunties : )  He was a little celebrity! 

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | big sisters meeting their newborn baby brother! | Salem, Oregon |

I love the ones of proud Grandma & Grandpa! : )

After things calmed down a little, I focused on getting those first portraits of Mommy & baby, and of course baby and Daddy.  I'm obsessed with this one!

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Hi Daddy!  Newborn looking up at Daddy | Salem, Oregon |

Annnnnnd, these two pictures below make my heart swell.  I know that I always talk about remembering going through these emotions & moments myself with my kids- but I truly think that is what makes a great lifestyle photographer.  When you have experienced these moments in life, it makes it so much easier to know the tiny, fleeting moments to capture.  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Mommy & her new baby | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

I see so much beauty in the photo of Mama and her baby.  I think that EVERY Mother remembers those first few hours with her newborn.  Gazing down at their teeny tiny features, tracing along their perfect little face and wondering how on Earth you created something so BEAUTIFUL.  SOMEONE so beautiful.  This precious little gift.  There are truly no other feelings like it in this World.  I took these pictures about a minute between eachother, because when I saw the way Mama was looking at him, I knew that the *moment* was happening.  So, so sweet.  Like I said, there's nothing like it.  

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Flowers from visitors//Details (I love that painted mason jar vase!!!) | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | newborn first footprints | Salem, Oregon |

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Mama & her new baby boy | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

I looove Mama's first portraits with her newborn!  Real, raw, beautiful, unposed moments.  And of course we have the very first bath below.  He was such a sweet peaceful little guy during his bath- he was loving the warm water.

Fresh 48 Hospital Session | Baby's first bath | Hospital Birth + Fresh 48 Photography | Salem, Oregon |

It was such a wonderful session!  I just love Fresh 48's!  

* A special Thank you to the Salem Hospital (Salem Health Family Birth Center) for being so kind and accommodating!  As I said before, it is always such an honor to be in the room with the incredible Doctors & Nurses there!  

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Headshots | Kellye

When I did my blossom sessions a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of doing a few headshots for this beauty!  (AND her sweetest little pup, Lady!)  

HOW GORGEOUS IS SHE!?  I mean, REALLY!?  And the best part- she is one of the sweetest gal's I know.  We did these at the most perfect location- The Barn PNW in Dayton, Oregon.  Just a quick drive outside of Salem, Oregon.  << P.S: If you are in the market for a wedding venue- click that link above! >>  It is seriously a stunning location.  Cherry blossom orchards, a huge barn with an amazing exterior AND beautiful interior..  I could go on and on!  I literally want to marry my husband again just so we can do it there.  HA!  Here's a few more from our time together!

I KNOWWWWW, I know, I know! So gorgeous, its not even FAIR! <3

And while I was there, I had to get a few shots of the scene..

Can you believe all that beauty!?  Those gorgeous doors slide open to create a stunning indoor/outdoor space for events.  Love, love, love!  Okay, I'm signing off- but wanted to leave you with one last shot of this doll!  ALSO- I have to give a shoutout to the super talented MUA Jenna of Jenna's Beauty Bar, on the make-up!  I was dying watching her do her thang with the airbrush application <3