Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fall Mini Sessions 2020

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fall Mini Sessions 2020

Whether you need an updated family portrait, maternity photos, or an additional set of senior photos- these condensed sessions are perfect.   I have been hosting a date of mini sessions in the Fall AND in the Spring, because often times we want a few portraits in different seasons displayed in our homes- and is especially nice with little ones since they change so much over the course of just six months!  


Fall Mini Sessions will be hosted at an open area with trees and beautiful autumn leaves in Salem, Oregon.

The package includes 10 professionally retouched digital images that you get to choose from a gallery of around 20(+) photos.  30 minutes is just enough time to have a gorgeous selection of timeless posed portraits as well as my favorite "in-between" shots :)

Click here to view more information about 2020 Fall Mini Sessions

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Huxley Oliver


Fresh 48 | Newborn swaddled in crib for an in home lifestyle photo session | Salem, Oregon Photographer |

Fresh 48 | Newborn swaddled in crib for an in home lifestyle photo session | Salem, Oregon Photographer |


Due to recent world events, we weren’t able to do this sweet boy’s Fresh 48 session until he was over a month old.. So I am absolutely overjoyed to share this beautiful family’s lifestyle Fresh 48 session, done at home with their precious newborn!

Fresh 48 | In home lifestyle family session | Salem, Oregon Photographer |

Fresh 48 | In home lifestyle family session | Salem, Oregon Photographer |

It was so fun capturing Mom, Dad, and their boys relaxing at home; cuddling, playing, and living life as a new family of four! I love when client’s choose to do Fresh 48 sessions at home, it just adds such an intimate, unique feel to their portraits. I always think about as the kiddos get older- how fun that will be for them to have a little glimpse into their very first childhood home, their nursery, and hopefully they will feel all the love that I saw when I was there that day. Such a gift!

Fresh 48 | In home lifestyle photo session | Salem, Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer |

Fresh 48 | In home lifestyle photo session | Salem, Oregon Fresh 48 Photographer |

And the absolute BEST part of Fresh 48 sessions: The family’s slideshow with all of my favorite photographs and video clips from their session.. Enjoy!

Welcome to the World, sweet one!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Fresh 48 Photography | Harrison Grey

I had so much fun working with this family for their in-home Fresh 48 session. This was another Fresh 48 with an older sibling and she was so tickled to be a big sister! You’ll see the sweetest clips in their video of her loving on him.

This little lovebug literally slept through his whole entire Fresh 48!


I got to capture them cuddling in their living room, little A playing outside with her Daddy, some precious quiet moments between Mommy and Harrison, and more cuddles at the end! Thank you so much to Mom and Dad for letting me share their Fresh 48 story- I already can’t wait for our next session together in 2020!

Welcome to the World, darling Harrison Grey!

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Senior Photos | SAVANNAH

HEY YA'LL!  I know it's been probably 1.2 million years since I last blogged, but work & life has kept me busy ;)  I *had* to jump on here and share one of my last senior photo sessions because a.) I LOVED working with this gal and she absolutely inspires me b.) The session was total location inspo because it was gorgeous!  

Salem, Oregon Photographer | | College Senior Photo Session | Oregon Garden | Senior posing inspiration | Editorial inspired photography session | Salem, Oregon Senior Photographer | Beautiful Posing | Outfit Inspiration for senior photo session | Salem, Oregon photographer locations

She is absolute model material, right??  I'll tell you- this girl is a gem.  She first contacted me because she was interested in college senior photos.  She is graduating from WOU and heading to med school- I didn't even know her yet but I was already proud of her!!  The main reason she wanted to get these photos done because she wanted to honor her parents and how big of a role they have played in her life and her achievements.  As a Mother myself, I instantly got choked up hearing her talk about how grateful she is to them for their constant love and support over the years.  AND WHEN I SAW HER DECORATED CAP :')


Like, seriously?  I was so touched because as a parent because this is all we really want, right?  To know with absolute certainty that we have given our children ALL the tools they need to achieve their dreams.  She told me that even if it was 2:00am she could have called them and they would have listened to her, encouraged her, and reminded her to keep giving it her all.  She talked so highly of them and with such love- it was so inspiring!  Inspiring to me as a parent, to remind ME to keep giving my own children that unconditional support- but also as a reminder to tell the people we love how much their support means to us.

I'll leave you with this last set of photos for reference of how gorg her session was :)  If you're a photographer in the Salem/Portland area, I highly recommend the Oregon Garden as a session location!  There were so many gorgeous backdrop options- it is worth the drive!

CONGRATULATIONS to this beautiful soul!  It was an honor to work with her, and I cannot wait to see what she does with this next life chapter! <3

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Families | W Family

I had so much fun working with this family!  1.)  Their outfits together were totally Pinterest-worthy  (uhhh, it is a challenge to figure out outfits for 10 people that coordinate- but aren't too matchy-matchy)  2.)  Mom & Dad have been married for over 20 years, and are still so in love. It was beautiful to witness!  3.) There were ALOT of laughs in our hour together!

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Family Portrait Session | Salem, Oregon location | Photo session outfit inspiration | Large family posing ideas | The Barn PNW Dayton, Oregon

I love these!  Mom & Dad with their girls <3

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Family Portrait Session | Salem, Oregon location | Photo session outfit inspiration | Large family posing ideas | Mom and daughters photography | The Barn PNW Dayton, Oregon

And where it all started <3

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Family Portrait Session | Salem, Oregon location | Photo session outfit inspiration | Mom and Dad portrait |

These girls!! <3

Salem, Oregon Photographer | Family Portrait Session | Salem, Oregon location | Mom & daughters portrait | Large family posing ideas |

W family, it was so much fun getting to work with you guys!  The love you have in your family was just beautiful.  Thank you for letting me capture these moments with you! 

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Lifestyle | Eggs

When your sweet sister & brother in law give you fresh eggs from their chickens, and they are THIS BEAUTIFUL, you just haaaave to do a photoshoot with them!  Grabbed my favorite wood serving platter, fresh dill & a bowl, and ta-da!  Not only are these eggs pretty, they are soooo good.  Have you had fresh, local eggs?

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Products | Keepsake Photo Box

While frames are one of my favorite ways to display family photos, you're also going to want an option for storing your fine art prints.  These personalized Keepsake Photo Boxes are a beautiful and functional option!  This one below is one that I purchased for myself personally (I only sell what I LOVE and what I also use!)  These 8x10 smooth matte boxes have a textured fabric interior where the photographs sit, and a satin pull ribbon for lifting them out.  The lid also has a magnetic closure that keeps the box securely fastened.

You could also fill these boxes with 4x6 prints, or even jewelry/memorable items.    I just LOVE the look and the functionality of them!

I decided on a matted fine art prints for my personal family photo box, but 8x10 prints (See the lower left corner picture of that gorgeous fam!)  fit PERFECTLY as another option.  The fab thing about these boxes, is they come with a display easel so you can switch out whichever photograph you want displayed at that time.  Super fun!  AND, these are stunning on coffee tables OR bookshelves!  How do you preserve or display your family photos?

Salem, Oregon Photographer Keepsake Photo Box

Salem, Oregon Photographer: Family | Children


PSSSSSSST... Scroll down for special discount on these darling bows!*

HOW CUTE are these girls!?  I recently fell in love with Little Poppy Co. bows, and after receiving a one month subscription from them, I knew I had to feature these bows in a session!  So, I found these gorgeous sisters, and their Mama was gracious enough to let me use them as my models :) 

Little Poppy Co. ( is a fun and affordable way to get stylish hair accessories for the little lady in your life.  After signing up, you get their three featured bows (you choose- headband OR clip) delivered straight to your door each month.  I picked the headbands- they are made with a soft material so they are incredibly gentle on little noggins, and super comfortable.  For my daughter, I actually use them around her ponytail, too!  

So, there's your dose of cuteness for today! 

*P.S:  For 30% off your first month subscription with Little Poppy Co, use code: SHELBYPHOTO at checkout.  Enjoy! <3